a Steiner Waldorf School, Bangalore


Waldorf ​Philosophy, developed by Austrian philosopher Rudolf Steiner, is an educational approach that focuses on the holistic development of the child—intellectually, emotionally, and physically. It emphasizes creativity, imagination, and hands-on learning, integrating academics with arts, music, movement, and practical activities. Inspiring creativity, fostering critical thinking and cultivating a deep connection to the world is the core aspect of this philosophy.

The curriculum in Waldorf schools is designed to align with the natural developmental stages of children, encouraging independent thinking, social responsibility and a deep connection to the world. Waldorf Philosophy aims to cultivate well-rounded individuals who are capable of making meaningful contributions to society.

Dr Rudolf Steiner developed Anthroposophy as a path of inner development and gave practical​ indications for nearly every field of human endeavour - Art, Architecture, Dram​a, Science, Agriculture, Medicine, Curative education & Social order. His indications for education have come to be known as ‘Steiner Waldorf philosophy’​.

He began to sow the seeds of his spiritual realizations for social​ transformations through extensive writings, lectures and countless private consultations. The seeds later germinated and took roots in the hearts and minds of countless new-age thinkers. After his death in 1925, many of his direct students & others who were inspired by his way of thinking have continued his work & transitioned it into a steadily growing movement, unknown and unseen by most people. Today, there are more than 2000 Waldorf schools across the world with more than 20 in India.

Key principles of the Waldorf philosophy

1. Holistic Development Waldorf education aims to develop the whole child—head (thinking), heart (feeling), and hands (doing). This balance ensures that students grow not only intellectually but also emotionally and physically.

2. Developmental Approach Waldorf education recognizes distinct developmental stages in a child's life. Its pedagogy is based on the idea that children go through distinct developmental phases. The curriculum is tailored to align with these stages, ensuring that the educational content and methods are age-appropriate to meet the needs of each stage of child development. The early years emphasize play and imagination, while academic instruction becomes more prominent in later stages.