a Steiner Waldorf School, Bangalore
2024 - 25
Manivannan Ganapathy
Founder of Kingdom Of Childhood -
a Steiner Waldorf School, Bangalore and Heart & Soul Foundation, Teacher & Parent Trainer, Mentor & Curative Educator
08.30am - Reception
09.00am to 10.30am - Prayer, Singing & Meditative exercises
10.30am to 11.00am - Coffee Break
11.00am to 01.00pm - Lecture 1 -
The 4-fold human being
The 4-fold human being helps in defining the human being in a holistic way, recognizing not just the current body-mind theory, but as a being of physical matter, life processes, emotions of sympathy and antipathy and the consciousness of human individuality.
01.00pm to 02.00pm - Lunch Break
02.00pm to 04.00pm -
Handwork Workshop by Ms Roopa - Handwork Teacher of Kingdom Of Childhood, Bangalore
09.00am to 10.30am - Prayer, Singing & Meditative exercises
10.30am to 11.00am - Coffee Break
11.00am to 01.00pm - Lecture 2 - The 7-year periods
The 7-year periods literally draws out a map of childhood providing a foundation for Waldorf Education and Art of Parenting
01.00pm to 02.00pm - Lunch Break
02.00pm to 04.00pm -
Wet-on-Wet painting workshop by Ms. Bashpika - Gr 06 Class Teacher of
Kingdom Of Childhood, Bangalore
09.00am to 10.30am - Prayer, Singing & Meditative exercises
10.30am to 11.00am - Coffee Break
11.00am to 01.00pm - Lecture 3 - The 3-Hs of Waldorf Education
The 3-Hs of Waldorf Education helps design classroom teaching through the Hands, Heart
and Head approach, awakening the soul faculties of Willing, Feeling and Thinking.
01.00pm to 02.00pm - Lunch Break
02.00pm to 04.00pm -
Eurythmy workshop by Ms. Deepa Mahesh - Eurythmy Teacher of Kingdom Of Childhood, Bangalore
09.00am to 10.30am - Prayer, Singing & Meditative exercises
10.30am to 11.00am - Coffee Break
11.00am to 01.00pm - Lecture 4 -
The 4 temperaments
The 4 temperaments is an apt guide to understanding why children behave differently given the same environment and how one can address individual needs within the home or a classroom.
01.00pm to 02.00pm - Lunch Break
02.00pm to 04.00pm -
The Art of Story telling by Gowri Teacher - Kindergarten Mentor of Kingdom Of Childhood, Bangalore / Mani Sir
09.00am to 10.30am - Prayer, Singing & Meditative exercises
10.30am to 11.00am - Coffee Break
11.00am to 01.00pm - Lecture 5 - The 12 Senses
The 12 senses help us understand - what kind of sensory impressions in childhood affect us even as we grow into adults - awaken us to which sensory impressions are nourishing and which ones are damaging.
01.00pm to 02.00pm - Lunch Break
02.00pm to 04.00pm -
Presentation Ceremony & Closing